Scientific support and examination of Peter Andrews' observations and methods and relevant scientific papers
Many pre-eminent scientists are supporting Peter Andrews' 40 years of observations and findings about the Australian landscape and its functions which are clearly presented in physical evidence and numerous case studies.
Notable supporters of Peter Andrews across the scientific community include:
Notable supporters of Peter Andrews across the scientific community include:
- Dr John Williams, also former NSW Natural Resources Commissioner, as well as former Head of CSIRO, Land and Water
- Jan Pokorný CSC, Restore Climate and Independent Scientists Panel, The Australian Landscape Science Institute
- Michal Kravčík, Hydrologist, Ľudia a Voda
- Prof David Goldney, Landscape Ecologist
- Prof David Mitchell, Fresh Water Ecologist
- Dr Wilhelm Ripl, Land Ecologist, Tech Uni, Berlin
- Haikai Tane, Fmr Chief Planner for Murray Darling
- Barbara Mactaggart
Scientific papers, books, presentations and articles
Scientific papers and books that directly support, or corroborate, Peter Andrews' observations and implementations are:
Climate Change - Plants Save the Climate
Climate Change - Plants Save the Climate
- "Re-coupling the carbon and water cycles by Natural Sequence Farming" by Duane Norris and Peter Andrews, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2010
- "Trees help battle global warming and so much more", by Emeritus Professor Tim Roberts, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle Herald, 29 July 2018
- "Water for the Recovery of the Climate - A New Water Paradigm" by M. Kravcík, J. Pokorný, J. Kohutiar, M. Kovác, E. Tóth, 2007
- "How humans affect local climate by landscape management - The distribution of solar energy in different types of land" by Jan Pokorny, Urška Ratajc, Petra Hesslerová
- "How trees cool down towns in summer" by Jan Pokorny, Urška Ratajc
- "Losing fertile matter to the sea: How landscape entropy affects climate" by Wilhelm Ripl, Department of Landscape Ecology, Limnology, Technical University of Berlin, Int. J. Water, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2010, p 353
- "The role of water and vegetation in the distribution of solar energy and local climate: a review" by Hanna Huryna & Jan Pokorny, Received: 14 May 2015, Accepted: 5 October 2016, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences 2016
- "Solar energy dissipation and temperature control by water and plants" by Jan Pokorny, Jakub Brom, Jan Cermák and Petra Hesslerová, Hanna Huryna, Nadia Nadezhdina and Alžbeta Rejšková, 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
- "The Biotic Pump: Condensation, atmospheric dynamics and climate", Anastassia M. Makarieva and Victor G. Gorshkov, Theoretical Physics Division, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Int. J. Water, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2010, p 365
- "Indirect and direct thermodynamic effects of wetland ecosystems on climate", Natural and Constructed Wetlands, Chapter 7, by Jan Pokorny, Petra Hesslerova, Hanna Huryna, and David Harper, Springer International Publishing. J. Vymazal (ed.), Switzerland 2016
- "Evapotranspiration - A Driving Force in Landscape Sustainability", by Martina Eiseltová, Jan Pokorný, Petra Hesslerová, Wilhelm Ripl, 2012
- "International Journal of Water - Special Issue on Water and the Complexities of Climate", 2010, Volume 5, No 4, Guest Editor: Associate Professor Ariel Salleh
- "Willows: weeds of retention" by Dr Michael Wilson Research conducted whilst at the Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, 2006, Bungendore, Draft paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Natural Sequence Farming workshop – Defining the Science and the Practice, 31 Oct – 1 Nov 2006, Bungendore, NSW
- "Poplars and Willows - Trees for Society and the Environment", edited by JG Isebrands and J Richardson, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and CABI, 2014 - collaboration of approximately 60 scientists from around the world - all articles peer-reviewed and reviewed by the editors
- "Weeds - Guardians of the Soil" by Joseph A Cocannouer, Devin-Adair Co, Fourth Printing edition, 1950
- "Invasion Biology" by Mark A Davis, OUP Oxford, 2009 - on the myth of invasive species
- “Natural Sequence Farming: Defining the Science and the Practice”, Hazell, Peter and Norris, Duane (2007) Proceedings of the 1st Natural Sequence Farming Workshop. ‘Natural Sequence Farming: Defining the Science and the Practice’, held in Bungendore, NSW, Australia, on 31 October and 1 November 2006
- "Restoring Watershed Systems by converting to Natural Sequence Farming", by Haikai Tane, published by Duane Norris & Peter Hazell, 2006
- "The principles of Natural Sequence Farming" by John Williams, Natural Resources Commission, Sydney, Int. J. Water, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2010, p 396
- "The ‘Natural Farming Sequence’ ", Tarwyn Park, Upper Bylong Valley, New South Wales’. An Expert Panel report prepared for the Honourable John Anderson, MP, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, by CSIRO Land and Water, CSIRO, 2002
- "The swampy meadow: from an enigmatic perception to a better understanding", by Barbara Mactaggart, David Goldney, Johannes Bauer, Andrew Rawson, copyright: Peter Hazell and Duane Norris, Proceedings of the first Natural Sequence Farming Workshop, Natural Sequence Farming- Defining the Science and the Practice, held at Bungendore, NSW, Australia on the 31 October and 1 November 2006, SRCMA